Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day a dish , taste 365 days !

carrots mixed with cabbage -
production process: soy taste: scent -
Ingredients: cabbage, 500 g Ingredients: carrots 100 grams spices: onion vinegar 3 g 5 g 5 g soy sauce, chili sauce allspice 3 grams 5 grams of salt 3 g -
cabbage, carrots fix the cut filaments, onion strips, and then with salt, vinegar, soy sauce, spiced noodles, chili oil, mix with the tune, you can eat. -
peanuts mixed with cucumber -
production process: mix flavors: scent -
Ingredients: Cucumber 1000 g peanuts (raw) 100 g Ingredients: carrots 200 grams seasoning: white vinegar 10 g sugar 10 g salt 5 g -
cucumber, diced carrots, peanuts cooked transfer to a plate with water, then salt, vinegar, sugar, mix well together. -
celery mixed with pork -
production process: mix flavors: scent -
Ingredients: celery, 200 grams of pork (lean) 150 g Ingredients: Spices: cooking wine 5 grams 3 grams of salt pepper 1 g sesame oil 5 grams monosodium glutamate 1 gram -
1. lean pork wash, take a pot add water, set the fire to boil, put pork into the pot, add a little salt and cooking wine, cover, pork cooked (not suck) that is, remove, cut into thin slices first, then along the grain of meat, cut into 3 cm long filaments, put the pan, sprinkle with salt and mix well. -
2. remove celery leaves, washed and boiled water, remove and let cool open, oblique cut into filaments, into the pork dish, add salt, MSG, mix well. -
3. wok set the fire pan, add sesame oil until the oil heat, add pepper, pepper shovel blow to the smell after the oil poured on the wire in the celery, simmer 10 minutes to fasten the bowl. -
celery fried eel -
production process: raw fried tastes: salty flavor -
Ingredients: eel 150 g Ingredients: 100 grams of celery spices: onion 5 g garlic 10 grams ginger 5 grams pepper 2 g 2 g pepper bean paste 15 grams sugar 5 grams vegetable oil, soy sauce, cooking wine 10 grams 50 grams 10 grams vinegar 5 g -
1. the pepper, pepper Chaojiao, and research into a fine powder; -
2. oblique shredded celery, boiled cooked spare; -
3. ginger, onion, garlic, shredded; -
4. the eel cut into 4 cm long inclined wire; -
5. pan stir into vegetable oil heated on, into the eel wire, stir fry until half-cooked add wine, bean paste, ginger, onion, then toss; -
6. into the soy sauce, sugar, broth, then simmer the Weihuo change until the juice will do, add vinegar and stir fry; -
7. Finally, Billy cooked celery into the wire, stir well and served in a bowl, sprinkle with pepper, pepper powder and serve. -
amaranth lean meat soup -
production process: cooking tastes: the taste of salty -
Ingredients: Amaranth (Purple) 250g pork (lean) 60 grams Ingredients: Sauce: 1 gram of salt vegetable oil 10 g -
1. the lean meat slices; -
2. amaranth washed and cut into sections; -
3. roll with three bowls of boiled and then placed in amaranth and lean meat, add a little oil, season with salt after a while. -
bitter gourd fried liver -
production process: cooked fried taste: clean bitterness -
Ingredients: bitter gourd 200 g liver 75 g Ingredients: spices: garlic, soy sauce, cooking wine 5 grams 10 grams 5 grams of salt 3 grams MSG 2 grams of peanut oil 20 g -
1. Wash the bitter gourd, to the flesh, add salt pickled for 5 minutes to go bitter taste, rinse the cut. -
2. the liver washed, cut into thin slices, add wine, salt pickled for 10 minutes, and then boiled with water, remove and drain. -
3. will be placed on the fire wok, add peanut oil until the oil pan, put into garlic tablets, bitter melon, toss, add soy sauce, cooking wine a little cooking, stir into the liver, MSG seasoning Serve. -
mushroom tofu stew -
production process: the original stew taste: The taste salty -
Ingredients: Tofu (South) 500 g Ingredients: mushroom bamboo shoots 15 grams 20 grams 25 grams seasoning rape heart: 3 grams of salt soy sauce, rice wine, MSG 2 grams 20 grams 10 grams of starch (pea) 10 grams sesame oil 5 grams -
1. shoots peeled peeled slices; rape choose clean heart; starch, add water, mix thoroughly into the wet starch 20 grams; tofu cut into 4 cm long, 2 cm wide, 1 cm thick block, on the pot, add water, a little salt, and simmer 10 minutes, remove and drain water. -
2. pot rack on the fire, add sesame oil, after the Heat next Shaoxing wine, broth 100 ml of water, fat, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, cabbage, remaining salt, soy sauce, MSG, chunks, after boiling with wet starch to thicken the pan. -
Scallion potato -
production process: burning tastes: salty sweet -
Ingredients: sweet potatoes 500 g Ingredients: green onions 30 g spices: pepper vegetable oil 40 grams 1 gram of salt 2 grams sesame oil 5 grams monosodium glutamate 1 gram -
1. Wash the sweet potatoes, slashing the skin, cut into 2 cm square block. Old leaves to the root and green onions, washed mince. -
2. Heat the wok set on fire, pour vegetable oil, heat the oil until after the first Add diced green onion, white potato flavor Stir fry when placed in a few minutes, add salt, stir well, set aside the white potato to pan around, add a little water in the bottom of the pot, cover the pot, low heat till the sweet potato Sulan, MSG and sesame oil and mix, poured into a dish, sprinkle with pepper and serve for food. -
Scallion Chicken -
production process: mix flavors: onion flavor -
Ingredients: chicken 300 g Ingredients: vermicelli 100 g Seasoning: soybean oil 20 grams of salt 5 g MSG 2 grams sugar 4 grams onion 20 grams -
1. chicken (white breast of chicken) cooked wash back; wash, and cut the root end of onions to the back; vermicelli, cut wire, into the boiling water pot and hot, into cold water fishing in the cold, fishing the Lek to make water into the basin. -
2. chicken breasts, cut wire, on top of vermicelli, poured into the use of spring onion, boiling the soybean oil, salt, MSG and sugar transferred into the sauce, mix well and serve. -
garlic mixed with green bean sprouts -
production process: mix flavors: garlic flavor -
Ingredients: bean sprouts 300 g Ingredients: spices: salt, 2 g garlic 15 g white vinegar, 5 grams sugar 3 grams MSG 2 grams sesame oil 5 grams -
1. mung bean sprouts roots to be put off, cleaned; -
2. put in boiling water to the broken health hot pot, remove, cool drift with cold water, remove, drain the water after the transfer to a plate; -
3. garlic, peeled, cut into very fine first, and then chopped into mud knife blade, into the green bean sprouts; -
4. then add sugar, salt, vinegar, MSG and sesame oil, mix well and serve. -
garlic mixed with cucumber -
production process: mix flavors: scent -
Ingredients: cucumber 800 g Ingredients: Sauce: vegetable oil, vinegar, 20 grams of salt 6 grams onion 15 grams ginger 5 grams 5 grams of garlic 5 g sugar 5 g sesame oil 5 grams -
Peel and wash ginger into wire; green onions to the root, cut into wire; garlic garlic stripped clothing, a knife smash, chop garlic; Wash cucumbers, control to the water, cut into pieces, and then changed with a straight knife cut into filaments, with salt, sugar, mix well, pour into the tray, then vinegar, ginger, onion, garlic, sesame oil is good, eating can be poured on the cucumber. -
garlic shredded pork -
production process: slide fried flavors: original flavor -
Ingredients: garlic 200 grams of pork (lean) 200 g Ingredients: Sauce: Vegetable oil 20 g soy sauce, sesame oil 3 g 35 g cooking wine 10 grams flour paste 5 g starch (pea) 10 grams onion 5 g -
1. starch, add water and mix thoroughly into the water, starch; -
2. onions, peeled, cut into the end of the reserve; -
3. the lean pork, cut into 6 cm long wire; -
4. Suantai choose to go the old stems, washed, cut into 3 cm long segment, scalded with boiling water, remove and control the net water; -
5. the oil into the wok, angry hot, add pork and stir-fry after the color down into the spring onion, sweet sauce, garlic stir fry evenly; -
6. cooked into the cooking wine, soy sauce, add a little water, boil water, starch, starch, Drizzle sesame oil, pan transfer to a plate. -
garlic pork -
production process: cooked fried tastes: salty flavor -
Ingredients: pork (too fat) 500 g Ingredients: garlic 250 grams seasoning: soy sauce, green onions 5 g 4 g peanut oil cooking wine 20 grams of salt 3 grams 4 grams 3 grams of MSG -
1. the pork skin pig washed down into the pot and cook until water is cooked, remove and let cool cut into thick slices; -
2. green garlic Wash and cut small pieces; -
3. green onions cut flowers; -
4. wok grease pan, the next burst into the onion pot; -
5. stir into the meat to curl, add green garlic, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate toss, pan transfer to a plate. -
garlic tofu -
production process: mix flavors: scent -
Ingredients: Tofu (North) 400 g Ingredients: 100 grams of garlic sauce: peanut oil 25 g salt, 3 g MSG 2 grams sesame oil 10 grams -
1. Leek (Garlic) pick clean, control to the water, cut into the end; -
2. tofu into the boiling water through the fish out, let cool, cut into 2 cm square pieces; -
3. chunks into the basin, above the green garlic sprinkled evenly, then add peanut oil, salt and monosodium glutamate into the mix, after dish, Drizzle sesame oil and serve. -
vegetable salad -
production process: mix flavors: scent -
Ingredients: cabbage 200 g cucumbers 60 g tomatoes 80 g Ingredients: green pepper, 30 g onion 30 g spices: salt, 2 g of salad oil 15 g lemon juice 20 g honey 10 g -
1. all the prepared material (cabbage, tomato, cucumber, green pepper, onion) were washed, cabbage, tomato slices, green pepper, onion rings cut pieces. -
2. to cut material mix and mix well, put the plate aside. -
3. Finally, all the seasonings (salad oil, salt, lemon juice, honey) mix, stir, pour over the vegetables on it. -
tiger peppers -
production process: cooked fried tastes: sour salty -
Ingredients: green peppers 400 g Ingredients: spices: salt, soy sauce, 6 g 2 g 10 g MSG 3 grams of vinegar salad oil 70 g -
1. green pepper stalks, washed into the Qi Cheng and deep fry in hot oil until cooked crisp skin when picked up, drain the oil; -
2. wok to stay a little more than oil, the next green pepper, salt, MSG, soy sauce, vinegar, stir well tasty, pot plate Serve. -
shrimp, fresh bean curd -
production process: the original stew tastes: salty flavor -
Ingredients: Tofu (North) 500 grams shrimp 200 g Ingredients: broad beans 80 g spices: ginger salad oil 60 g 8 g of salt 12 grams sugar 10 grams of starch (pea) 25 g sesame oil 10 grams of rice wine 10 grams -
1. diced soft tofu, shrimp jen into salt 2 grams of starch 10 grams, Shao liquor 10 grams pickled for 10 minutes. -
2. Take a plate, add salad oil, chopped green onion (cut), ginger (finely chopped) at the end, popular Hong high 2 minutes. -
3. into the tofu in the salad oil, then add shrimp, small beans and salt, sugar, seal in a high fire 9 minutes. -
4. then 15 gram of starch with cold water and mix well, pour the broth thicken, topped with sesame oil and serve. -
double oyster mushroom -
production process: slide fried taste: scent -
Ingredients: mushrooms 250 g mushrooms (fresh) 250 g Ingredients: 150 g rapeseed heart spices: salt, cooking wine 2 grams 3 grams oyster sauce peanut oil 15 grams 10 grams of starch (pea) 10 grams onion 5 g ginger 3 grams -
1. will mushroom, mushroom slices, with the water boil for a short, remove and reserve; -
2. cabbage slices; -
3. starch and mix thoroughly absorbed into the sauce; onions, sliced ​​ginger wash; -
4. wok grease pan, slice down into the blasting pot onion, mushrooms and stir into the mushrooms and fry, add oyster sauce, salt, cooking wine and cabbage, a little stir, thicken topped with mature oil, will cabbage placed in the dish around, double mushrooms served in a dish and serve. -
Honey Fruit -
production process: mix flavors: sweet -
Ingredients: pears, apples 100 grams 100 grams 100 grams pineapple orange 100 g Ingredients: Cherry 50 grams seasoning: white sugar 20 g -
1. pot add water, add sugar, boil, Aozhi syrup thick, Sheng Liang Liang; -
2. apples, pears, peel, core wash; -
3. pineapple, peeled, are cut into small pieces; -
4. break it into small flap peeled oranges; -
5. apples, pears, pineapple, orange juice and mix well add, dotted red and green cherries can be. -
bean sprouts egg wire -
production process: mix flavors: scent -
Ingredients: eggs, 260 g bean sprouts 400 g Ingredients: Sauce: Soybean oil 20 g soy sauce, 5 grams of salt 3 grams MSG 2 grams sesame oil 5 grams -
1. mung bean sprouts washed into the boiling pot boiled, remove and drain; -
2. knock eggs into the bowl, whipped into a paste, into a hot pan, made of shells, cut into filaments; -
3. mung bean sprouts into the bowl, add egg Pisi, soy sauce, salt, MSG and sesame oil, mix well and serve. -
Sauce Double D -
production process: Sauce tastes: butter flavor -
Ingredients: pork (lean) 300 g Ingredients: 200 g carrot sauce: peanut oil 50 g sesame oil 5 grams sugar 5 grams sesame cooking wine 15 grams 30 grams salt 2 grams of egg 10 grams of starch (pea) 10 grams -
1. lean pork, cut into 1.5 cm square of the small, in a bowl add wine, salt, egg, wet starch grasp uniform tasty ;;-
2. carrots, peeled and cut into 1 cm square of the small; -
3. Chao Shao lit, 56 percent into the hot peanut oil till nowadays into cubes, broken up with chopsticks, slide through, and then sliding down Ruluoboding slightly, pour into a colander with the internal control absolutes; - < / p>
4. Chaoshao stay in base oil tempered, down into the flour paste and stir-fry, rice kind of see a small bubble from time to time, add sugar, cooked into the cooking wine, then stir-fry a few to turn into cubes and Luo Buding fry until evenly covered with sweet bean paste on the double-D, the Drizzle sesame oil and serve. -
hot and sour tofu soup loin -
production process: cooking flavors: hot and sour taste -
Ingredients: Tofu (North) 400g pork tenderloin 100 grams bamboo shoots 50 grams coriander 50 grams mushrooms (fresh) 50 grams Ingredients: spices: pepper vinegar 30 grams 6 grams of salt 5 g MSG 3 g sesame oil 15 g green onions 8 grams ginger 5 grams of starch (corn) 5 g vegetable oil 30 g -
1. tofu cut into strips; -
2. tenderloin, mushrooms, mushrooms, onions, ginger are cut wire; -
3. coriander, cut into the end; -
4. pot lit into the water, open water were placed into tofu, mushrooms, bamboo shoots silk, boiled pork, fish out into the dish; -
5. pot and then lit and placed in broth, salt, vinegar, pepper, chicken; -
6. to be open and pour into pot of tofu, bamboo shoots silk, pork, hook thin gravy, sprinkled with onions, ginger, coriander, you can pan. -
Hot and Sour Chicken -
production process: soy flavors: hot and sour taste -
Ingredients: chicken 200 g Ingredients: spices: chili powder, vinegar, 3 g 10 g sesame oil 10 grams MSG 2 grams of soy sauce 5 grams cooking wine 5 grams pepper 5 grams onion 5 g ginger 5 grams -
1. cooked chicken cut into pieces put into the tray; -
2. wok set the fire, pour sesame oil pan, put chili stir-fry, then add the onion and ginger and stir the fragrant cooking up cooking wine, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, vinegar, pepper and modulation amount of cold water into the hot and sour sauce, pour in the chicken pieces when eating on the mix. -
vinegar leavened cabbage -
production process: Vinegar tastes: sour salty -
Ingredients: cabbage 300 g Ingredients: sauce: vinegar, 25 g pepper (red, sharp, dry) 5 g Soybean oil 75 g soy sauce, pepper 5 grams 4 grams salt 2 grams sugar 2 grams monosodium glutamate 1 gram sesame oil 1 g starch (pea) 5 g -
1. cabbage, cut into 3 cm square block, a knife loose, salt and mix well stand; -
2. chili strips; -
3. the sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, wet starch 10 grams (starch 5 gram of water) transferred into the juice; -
4. Shaonei put oil pan, put the first deep-fried black pepper, to go fishing pepper; -
5. coupled with the dried chili fried yellow, immediately under the cabbage stir fry; -
6. to be a little soft after a good tune into Shaonei juice, toss, topped with sesame oil and serve. -
vinegar leavened lotus root -
production process: Vinegar tastes: sweet and sour taste -
Ingredients: lotus 400 g Ingredients: Sauce: soy sauce 10 grams of vinegar 15 g salt, 4 grams of starch (pea) 5 g sesame oil 20 g onion 10 g 8 g ginger -
1. the lotus to the festival, peeled washed Zaiding knife sliced ​​down into a little hot water pot, remove and drain water stand; -
2. wok till hot grease, the next spring onion, ginger, cooking immediately into the vinegar, soy sauce, salt and broth, add onion pieces fry, water, starch, starch, pepper Drizzle the oil, stir evenly, pan can be. -
bean sprout fried leeks -
production process: raw fried taste: scent -
Ingredients: bean sprouts 250 g leeks 100 g Ingredients: spices: salt, 3 g MSG 2 grams of vegetable oil 30 g -
1. chives pinch to the old stems, remove the side leaves, cleaned and cut into 4 cm long segment; pluck the roots of bean sprouts and watercress part, leaving the middle of the bean sprout, wash. -
2. stir the pot on the upper and lower into hot vegetable oil till the Qicheng, sizzling under the salt, stir fry the next section of bean sprout and leek until the fry off students, MSG stir pot plate . -
green pepper tomato slice -
production process: raw fried tastes: salty flavor -
Ingredients: eggplant 250 g Ingredients: green pepper 50 grams seasoning: salt, 3 g MSG 2 grams of vegetable oil 60 g sesame oil 5 grams -
1. eggplant cut ends do not wash, for profile half, each half cut into 3 mm thick slices; stalks green peppers, seeded, cut into 3 mm thick wire. -
2. pot on the stir, pour vegetable oil till the Liucheng hot, add tomato pieces, green pepper and stir wire, while fried side MSG, salt, sesame oil, fry off until birth, transfer to a plate and serve. -
garlic fried bean sprouts -
production process: raw fried tastes: spicy -
Ingredients: bean sprouts 450 g garlic 100 g Ingredients: spices: salt, salad oil 50 g 5 g MSG 3 grams sugar 2 grams chili powder 8 g sesame oil 10 grams -
1. Wash the leek, cut into 1.5 cm long segment; -
2. pinch of bean sprouts to the roots, wash, remove, drain the water; -
3. set each on a pan, add salad oil, chili powder into a little hot under the stir; -
4. then add bean sprouts, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, fried, mix well, then add the fried garlic mixed with broken health segment, pour sesame oil, pan transfer to a plate. -
garlic bean curd -
production process: braised flavors: garlic flavor -
Ingredients: Tofu (North) 250 g Ingredients: garlic 100 grams of pork (too fat) 50 grams seasoning: soy sauce, salad oil 20 g 2 g sugar 3 g sesame oil 3 grams of starch (pea) 5 g -
1. leek cleaned and cut oblique sections, with garlic, green garlic and white separate reserve; -
2. Wash the pork minced; -
3. tofu-cut box; -
4. pot into 20 g oil, first Rouchao loose, then add the garlic and white small fragrant; -
5. cut into chunks and seasonings (broth 3 / 4 cup soy sauce 2 grams of sugar, 3 grams, sesame oil and 3 grams) all materials, first with the fire to boil, and then switch to simmer five minutes, add garlic; -
6. Finally, starch, water, thicken can be sung out. -
leek pancake -
production process: fried tastes: salty flavor -
Ingredients: eggs, 350 g wheat flour 400 g leeks 400 g Ingredients: spices: salt, 3 grams cooking wine 10 grams onion 5 g vegetable oil 30 g -
1. the tender leeks choose clean, drain and cut into small pieces; -
2. onions washed and cut fine; -
3. the eggs into the bowl, Whisk force; -
4. flour and water into a thin paste, add the beaten egg, wine, salt and chopped green onion, leek and then immediately into the mix; -
5. wok set the fire, plus base oil pan, wok diluted with a spoon to scoop batter, fry until both sides are yellow, you can pan. -
mouth watering beef -
production process: raw fried tastes: salty flavor -
Ingredients: beef (too fat) 150 grams mouth watering 100 g Ingredients: green pepper, 80 g pepper (red, tip) 10 grams spices: onion soy sauce, ginger 5 grams 5 grams 5 grams of starch (pea) 15 grams salt 2 grams of white sesame oil 3 g sugar 2 g 3 g vegetable oil 20 g white -
1. cleaned stripes shredded beef, add the soy sauce and starch mix; -
2. green pepper, red pepper, washed, shredded, respectively; -
3. Spiced Dry Bean dry strips, spare; -
4. onions, ginger were washed, were cut at the end. -
5. pot into the oil pan, add beef till the color, remove; -
6. with the remaining oil to onions, ginger until fragrant, then add green pepper, red pepper, Spiced Dry Bean Gansi toss; -
7. into the beef, fry salt, sugar, sesame oil, white wine, starch, mix 30 ml of water can be sung out. -
mushroom cooking heart -
production process: raw fried taste: scent -
Ingredients: 300 g rapeseed heart ingredients: mushrooms (dry) 30 grams seasoning: salt, 2 g vegetable oil 30 g sugar 15 g monosodium glutamate 1 gram -
1. Wash the mushrooms in warm water bubble up, remove and drain to the water, to handle, cut into small pieces; -
2. the rape heart to root wash, drain and remove large trees in the root of the vertical profile cross-cutter, small trees are not cut, whole grain fried; -
3. set fire to frying pan, pour vegetable oil, till the first pan fried mushrooms and smoke when placed under the rape and then a few hearts; -
4. stir-fry until soft pale green when adding salt, sugar and soak mushrooms in water, cover and burn 3 minutes, stir well after adding MSG and serve poured into a tray for food. -
parsley mixed with beef -
production process: mix flavors: spicy flavor -
Ingredients: Beef (lean) 500 g Ingredients: coriander 20 grams seasoning: chili pepper oil 50 g 25 g salt 4 g MSG 2 grams onion 10 grams -
1. steamed beef, cut into pieces; -
2. coriander Abstract washed and cut into sections; -
3. onion shred; -
2. beef into the pan, add salt, MSG, chili oil, pepper, onion and parsley segment mix. -
onion steamed fish -
production process: steamed taste: onion flavor -
Ingredients: butterfish 300 g Ingredients: mushrooms (fresh) 100 g Seasoning: 3 grams of salt soy sauce 10 grams 5 grams white wine vinegar 5 grams sugar 2 grams of vegetable oil 10 g onion 20 g -
1. the fish clean, dry water, sprinkle salt, 3 grams and marinate for 10 minutes; -
2. bubble mushrooms, diced; -
3. oil, soy sauce, wine, vinegar, sugar, mushrooms, mix well and pour over fish on; -
4. water to a boil, and steam the fish for about 10 minutes or so, to chopsticks can be inserted into the fish; -
5. sprinkled with scallions the end. -
mushroom cooking flowers -
production process: raw fried tastes: salty flavor -
Ingredients: Mushrooms (mushrooms) 200 grams cauliflower 150 grams Ingredients: spices: salt, 2 grams monosodium glutamate 1 gram of starch (pea) 5 grams of salad oil 30 g -
1. Wash the cauliflower and break it into small pieces, placed in boiling water pot and boil for a short; -
2. starch, add water and mix thoroughly into the water, starch reserve; -
3. pot holder on fire, put the oil till Qicheng hot, stir-fried fresh mushrooms under; -
4. add 30 ml prime soup, salt, monosodium glutamate, boiling; -
5. into the cauliflower stir-fry cooked with water, starch, starch Serve. -
shrimp asparagus -
production process: cooked fried taste: The taste salty -
Ingredients: shrimp 250 g asparagus 180 g Ingredients: broad beans 60 g carrots 20 g spices: garlic, 5 grams 3 grams of salt pepper 1 g starch (pea) 3 g vegetable oil 50 g -
1. shrimp, peeled, washed dry water, add seasonings and marinate for fifteen minutes, soak the oil tender, drain oil and set aside; -
2. fresh asparagus with salt, oil, water, water is too cold; -
3. Ji carrots into carrot flowers; -
4. beans, carrot fly water, dish; -
5. garlic mashed garlic to wash; -
6. under the oil saute garlic, add fresh asparagus, beans, carrot flowers, stir well, fried shrimp skillet pocket, water buried with a little cornstarch thickening Serve. -
85 -
three-wire cucumber roll -
production process: mix flavors: salty flavor -
Ingredients: cucumber 500 g Ingredients: carrots, bamboo shoots 50 grams fat 50 grams 50 Keqiong spices: salt, monosodium glutamate 25 g 25 g sesame oil 25 g -
1. Ji cucumber into 4.5 cm long segments, with salt for half an hour, then roll the blade into the film, Ji into 6 cm long pieces; -
2. carrots, bamboo shoots, cut into long thin strips word, made of agar with the blisters inch section; -
3. pan on the fire into the water, boil will immediately remove cucumber boiled over into the cold; -
4. carrots, bamboo shoots, dried agar to get a bowl of water add MSG, salt, sesame oil is good taste, the cucumber slices flat case of the board, the carrots, bamboo shoots silk and silk agar evenly split in each cucumber chip, and then roll into one end of the volume, you can transfer to a plate. -
three wire spring rolls -
production process: wrapping fried taste: fried Roast -
Ingredients: bean sprouts 350 g leeks 150 g mushrooms (fresh) 100 g wheat flour 200 g Ingredients: Sauce: 120 g egg salad oil 70 g wheat flour 10 g onion 10 g Ginger 10 g salt, pepper 3 g 3 grams of monosodium glutamate 1 gram -
1. mung bean sprouts washed; leeks washed and cut into inch sections; water, mushrooms washed and shredded; onions, washed and shredded ginger. -
2. egg, and flour into a bowl, transferred into the egg paste. -
3. mung bean sprouts, leek section, mushrooms, onion, ginger, pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate release with a bowl and mix well, then put into a package on spring roll spring rolls, sticky paste with eggs at the seam tight. -
4. Heat oil hot, deep-fried spring rolls turn into the pot, when the color yellow when you can remove and drain. -
cucumber mixed with dried shrimps -
production process: mix flavors: spicy -
Ingredients: cucumber 250 g Ingredients: shrimp 15 grams seasoning: soy sauce, vinegar, 10 g 10 g 5 g garlic, ginger 5 grams sesame oil 5 grams 3 grams of salt -
1. the garlic, ginger were peeled, smashed garlic mud garlic, ginger cut into the end of the reserve; -
2. cucumber clean, straight knife cut into coins film, or shoot crisp chopped into 3 cm long segments, mix salt and tasty; -
3. Hemmi with warm water will be soaked; -
4. Hemmi emphasis on the cucumber, the soy sauce, vinegar (vinegar), garlic, ginger, sesame oil transferred, mix well, dish and serve. -

Friday, June 17, 2011

air jordan 11 retro · space jam 2009 release · 378037 041

air jordan 1
air jordan 2
air jordan 3
air jordan 4
air jordan 5
air jordan 6
air jordan 7
air jordan 8
air jordan 9
air jordan 10
air jordan 11
air jordan 12
air jordan 13
air jordan 14
air jordan 15
air jordan 16
air jordan 17
air jordan 18
air jordan 19
air jordan 20
air jordan 21
air jordan 22
air jordan 23
air jordan 2009
6 rings
other jordans

Monday, May 30, 2011

n delicious boiled fish, graphic production process

Do not forget the delicious reproduced Oh!
boiled fish is that many people like to eat a dish, eating out, then, frankly, that 99.9% of the oil boiled fish oil are saliva (that is, people eat, the restaurant again that oil filter recycling use). So make yourself at home, or better, clean and sanitary, do fun, eat at ease. But how to do the best boiled fish eat? I am here to tell you!
In fact, boiled fish is very simple to do:
First prepare a grass - to the scales to the viscera washed to clean up the fish when the attention of the black film inside the fish to clean, swim bladder is left

the head, tail cut off

to spine

the spine cut into small pieces

which split from the head

under the rib pieces, and cut into pieces, pay attention so as not to cut off the barb

start film fish, the fish is also very particular about the film, and a kitchen knife by oblique direction from head to tail into the sword, do not get reversed, or fish in the small thorns were cut off, to not eat fish , the film can be a row when the fish off the way a knife, this film will be presented out of butterfly fish.

fish go fish - fish bone fish bone return -

preparation: fresh chili, chili, pepper, garlic, ginger, green onions -
- missed this, Pixian bean paste -
- mung bean sprouts, in fact, what food can be it, as you taste -
Add cooking wine, pepper, salt, ginger, garlic, starch began to pickled fish, marinate at least half an hour -
the bean sprouts over the water, in fact, but it can, but to a clean point, I had a little bit of water. -
good use of vessel will -
pour oil, add dried chili, pepper fry, do not fry too long, we should not paste -
Sheng with half the chili pepper stand -
then pour ginger, garlic, fresh chilli, spring onion, there are two bean paste Pixian spoon stir fry a few -
into the water to boil, put some salt -
into the fish bones and cook for 10 minutes -
poured into containers just put bean sprouts -
- and then into the fish, boil, cook for two minutes, do not cook for a long time, or fish tender will be hard. -
- poured into the container just -
just half the chili pepper spread on the surface with the -
burning oil, see the bubble on the line -
poured on it, I heard the voice of Puchi Puchi, then sprinkle with chopped green onion, savory, and Ma and spicy boiled fish was finally completed -
- tender and slippery fish, the taste of the restaurant no less than outside Oh -

up to buy the fish try to do it once, do not forget the delicious reproduced Oh! Oh Oh ~

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Timid and not into the (allegedly scared to death extraordinary )

is said to be by far the most frightening, scary extraordinary , have the guts to try your nearest prior statement into the heart Convicted scared irresponsible. Horror movies I grew up with these people sweat. timid curiosity , do not be too heavy . not enter as well. If you want to play the first suspension of space music . otherwise effect

Tips . Figure five places up and down .. not the same as a click can recover. If all find out. there you can not think of a good thing Oh ..

Note: Diwan five persons, be careful tonight 12:00 ... ... hey ~ ^ _ ^

hope you appreciate the dedication of more than a bit of Rain . Your support was my biggest motivation .

; BS posts do not look back to the people, hard to find give me face it ! ~

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Graduated into the social and unemployed graduates have been eager to hurry , hurry to work. graduated helpless , but a good society is too cruel , too realistic. For we do not stand nobody is ___ feet of the place.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

How acting skills a person

ask for work skills

There is no do not a thing, only people who will not work. Will work a person can be in the complicated environment, ease of life to control the situation, always good luck, the impossible becomes possible, and finally achieve their goal. The key is to see what method you use, what skills, what means.
who will work, work efficiency so smooth, that the sorts of things to do to perfection; who will work, life and bring always smooth, can achieve great success.
people can not live without things, big, small, wedding, anxieties, bothering ... ... these And want to solve some difficult things, you must learn to ask for help. So, how to ask for things it?

first psychological hurdle over
Since I can not it-yourself, we could confidently go to ask for, ask for help have to seek chic, comfortable, ask for help do not bluff, empty talk, but do not have to dingy, begging to implore pity, as the fancy ridicule.
Second, choose the best routes and methods
is now a clear division of labor, to find that person, may not be accomplishing something, we must find out the situation, identify the people who can help you.
Third, patient
recourse to others, not necessarily what is ripe, the other undaunted, apathy and even rejected all possible, you do not feel this to lose face, insulted, thus losing patience.
Fourth, understand that some people ask for things
people, and believe that those who are seeking some magical wand, something done Chrysostom opened, on the stroke of a pen into. In fact not the case. Everyone has their own difficulties, if you can share, understand the difficulties, ask for things to not feel too hard.
Fifth, the requirement of others not to act too
do not ask for hot pursuit, we must do to others what extent, or to feel that not enough meaning. That is, ask for things to be content, others can do much to do much, do not force people to do difficult things to do. For example, ask for help from the most simple things started. If you set goals too high, so people make things difficult, it is best to seek second; second fails to find again. Even the little things to others, you have to cherish. Yesterday we had a few friends in the chat, accidentally comes to ask for work topic.

Some said: I support the latter view.
we have too much frustration in real life, you have to ask for help. If you are an unemployed youth, hoping to find a cake and work; if you are an employee, hoping to skyrocket; If you are a patient, want doctors to care for their own treatment; If you have an urgent need hope borrow the sum of money ... ... This is many, large and small, would constitute a life of hope. Life will force you have to turn to others, and whether it can get other people's
Some people ask for a reference to frown, and even ashamed to tell people, they ask for help feel a bias, that it must be groveling, obsequious's. In actual fact, help to others to strike must be based on self-esteem, self-respect, self-love as a precondition, be humble and not seek, find and not lean. In my opinion, to successfully obtain the help of others, must follow two basic principles. First, the sincere courtesy. As the saying goes, as good as one is open, polite, ask for it is a prerequisite for success; second. To avoid the taboo. For each of the different personalities and life experiences, words and actions of certain scruples, so dry million not to offend. When we are asking people, the first wish of that person's habits, temperament, knowledge and experience and so do some reconnaissance, and then calmly go, you will get unexpected results.

we are asking in good faith to others, but not necessarily other people will be able to meet our requirements. When we refused, do not over look for the reasons. Indeed, the heart was rejected was very upset, and no one wants to know why, but if pursued to haunt each other, not ask what the reason is not, tend to undermine the feelings of both. Not when you ask for, do not insist too much. Already rejected the other side, there is a reason, if too much stick to their demands, not only will make things difficult for each other, but also to their passive position. A lot of unpleasant things in life, why care about the small stuff on a stop? After being refused to do Huodadaduo, open mind.
knowing that when you refused psychological, may wish to put their words interrupted, simply that it does not matter, and then turn to comfort each other a few words, please do not mind him. Other party will feel sorry, maybe later will be very active to help you!
life, you both have sunny weather, so everyone needs someone regret in life!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

His Holiness said ~

Mao Yeye His Holiness said:
find an opportunity , on the train leave.

on foot , bicycle, by car , bus , train, ship , aircraft ... ... in what way are good, where are good.

can be a man and two people , you can iron triangle , can be in groups , you can keep meeting and separation; can Rock music festival, can be an amusement park can be a neighboring town , can be a rural , wilderness can be ; can to play , you can order from , you can in order to visit , you can to run away , you can order to return to in order to support education , you can order relief can

... ... Long , not in this sunny season thunderstorm would break out trapped like a moldy place .

summer, are exposed to addiction and the voyeurism of the season, so for the road, can see many, many .

summer, at lightning Pirates of the bell of the irresistible force to the countryside ! !